What are Mens Ruby Rings? Why are rubies red?
Mens Ruby Rings What is Ruby? Why are rubies red? Is the ruby just a stone painted red? Or are they probably filled with some kind of red liquid? Is Ruby full of blood? do not worry! Ruby is not filled with liquids, especially blood! Also, these simple stones are not painted red. Ruby is a precious gem known for its red color for several reasons. Ruby is a red version of the mineral known as corundum. Pure corundum is made of aluminum and oxygen and is colorless. In rubies, a small amount of chromium (about 1 percent) replaces aluminum. When corundum aluminum replaces chrome, the chrome atoms absorb light of a particular wavelength and reflect the light in the red part of the visible light spectrum. This reflected red light is what your eyes see and gives the ruby a unique red color. A traditional July birthstone, rubies can be found in many parts of the world. The best rubies traditionally come from the Mogok Valley (formerly Burma) in Myanmar. Other countries known for ruby...